Guilty Pleasure Wednesday
80's action movies
Testosterone time. I have 2 brothers which meant lots of action flicks at our house growing up. I have seen them all. Commando, Red Dawn, Cobra, Kickboxer, Bloodsport, American Ninja, Red Heat, Rambo, Blind Fury, Universal Soldier, Marked for Death. Arnold, Jean-Claude, Sly, Steven, Dolph- I have seen them all in their oil-up, one-liner glory. I have to admit that deep down in my
pro-gun control, democratic self, I actually like these movies. I don't watch them often but once a year or so, I don't mind watching a little shoot-them-up action. Sure the plots are all the some (revenge for a loved one's death/kidnapping), and the accents are way too thick but if Hubby is going to watch Die Hard, I will be right there on the couch with him.
I LOVE Universal Soldier! You get your Dolph and your Van Damme fix, and you get to laugh at the thought of the Muscles from Brussels being Cajun.
By SuzannaBanana, at 3:18 PM
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