I've been tagged
Knit Happens tagged me with the 7 things meme.
The rules: Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog those 7 facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven other people and list their names on your blog. Then you leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.
1. I was the 4th grade Skipper of the Year in school which meant I got 100% of all my spelling/definition tests and got to take my family to Skippers (a local fish n' chips place) for dinner.
2. I have to have my alarm clock set 10 minutes ahead even though I rarely late and never use the snooze button.
3. My husband and I met in an AOL chatroom over 7 years ago. (insert nerd comment here)
4. I love anything retro kitschy.
5. I catch myself watching the following whenever they are on tv: Saved by the Bell, The Babysitter's Seduction, Girls Next Door, the Godfather and Full House.
6. I still have my good luck Dale Murphy big-head tee shirt I wore under my softball uniform in high school. I don't know how much luck it really brought since I collided with another player and had to get stitches in my lip while I was wearing it.
7. My grandfather owned a fish stand at the Pike Place Market and also worked for local seafood restuarants. We had salmon, clams and crab at least once a week for dinner. I grew up thinking everyone did.
Now to tag others-
Ceallach Knits
OOOH!! I will totally play!
Off to think of random things.
And P.S. - I love retro-kitch and Godfather too.
Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom, at 11:17 AM
that babysitter movie--i have totally watched that on TV a few times,b ut never knew what it was called.
i now consider myself tagged.
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM
You've been pinged by "Meme 1: Your Spouse" on my blog! Turnabout is fair play. :)
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM
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