Guilty Pleasure Wednesday
Ok. I admit it. I have 5 auto bingo cards in our truck at all times. Whenever we go on a car trip- Portland, Canada, vacations- I play Auto Bingo even if I am the only one participating. Depending on the trip, it's either Traffic Safety, Interstate Highway or the original green. Look for specific items on your trip and slide the red plastic over the picture when you find that item. Stop sign, girl, yield sign, tow truck, policeman, train, house number sign, horse, etc... Last trip to Oregon, my cursed enemy was a silo. Hubby finally found one for me off in the distance. Does that count? I kind of feel like I cheated if it is something I didn't find myself. Just another reason to call me a geek.
whats auto bingo?
By Westozcaat, at 8:38 AM
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